As I captured here, the gardens were bustling with odd sporting events and a grammar school graduation- so adorable!! Jess and I (yet again) were stared at incessantly. I thought perhaps a public park would be a better place to exercise free of judgment but clearly I was mistaken. I had a few school kids start to run along with me, lots and lots of laughing and pointing. Is running really that strange?? Maybe I have no room to talk if I’m stopping and snagging shots of the odd things I see too…
It hasn’t rained since Tuesday here and the humidity is absolutely oppressive. Bogor needs the damn rain!! The heat the past two mornings running was a real challenge, clearly my body is going to need more than 10 days to adjust to this. It’s been above 90 the past few days and this is not only draining during a run but just in general, it’s hard not to feel constantly sluggish and dehydrated. Regardless I got in a solid 17 miles this week- maybe not as fast as I’m used to but it’ll take a little more time.
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